Web Manager at Birdlife International
«It is a pleasure to endorse Domnina, as she is a brilliant Web Designer and an excellent colleague.
She is a very creative Designer, with strong artistic background and skills. I particularly appreciated her style, originality and inventiveness.
Beside her creativeness, it must be stressed her being resourceful and reliable. One other aspect of Domnina, which I have really appreciated working with her, is the predisposition to tutoring and mentoring juniors as well as the patience and forbearance in dealing with colleagues or clients, even in the most stressful moments.
Domnina is a joyful character, that lightens up the working atmosphere: she makes working in team with her a much enjoyable and relaxing experience. This is a rare and crucial skill and a great asset for any team.
If you need to hear more about my experience with Domnina, do not hesitate to contact me.»